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Family Portrait

November 2020

National Family Caregiver Month

The holidays are fast approaching and COVID-19 is still making headlines. The uncertainty of holiday travel, shopping, and large family gatherings are bringing added stress and anxiety to families all over the nation. It may be more difficult to find joy and thankfulness during a time of year when what used to be considered “normal” might now be deemed unsafe.


Giving thanks is the core of many holiday traditions, no matter what faith, religion or culture. The simple practice of gratitude encourages us to focus on the things, people, or events that bring us joy, happiness and respite. In honor of National Family Caregiver Month, we want to offer you, the caregiver, the opportunity to share with us what you are grateful for. If you need some ideas, reflect on these questions:


  • What are you most grateful for on your hardest days?

  • What accomplishment are you most proud of?

  • How have you felt supported personally or professionally in the last several months?

  • What is something that comforts you?

  • What traditions have you been able to continue or adapt to stay connected with loved ones?

  • What have you learned over the last several months that has made you a stronger caregiver?

  • What is your favorite memory with your loved one?



Submission details:

1. We welcome a written response or video.

2. Email your submission by Monday, November 30th 2020.

3. Please keep written submissions to no more than 350 words.

4. We encourage you to include photos! Please include captions.

5. Please keep video submissions to two minutes or less.

6. Please do not include any personal or identifying information in your submission. 




We would like to share your submissions with other caregivers through our website and social media. For this reason, please do not include any personal or identifying information in your response. If you do NOT want your response shared publicly please let us know.


If you have any questions, please contact Kandise Chrestensen: or 904-391-6603.

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