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Virtual Caregiver Conference:
Preserving a Loved One's Dignity When Caregiving Gets Messy

Friday, July 16th, 10:00am - 12:00pm

The reality of the caregiving journey is that it can be dark, messy, and emotionally exhausting. As a loved one’s disease or condition progresses, it can be more difficult to manage care while also preserving their dignity. This workshop addresses the difficult needs and behaviors that can come up unexpectedly and how to manage them with care and respect.


This workshop will cover:


  • Awareness of disease progression and dealing with issues of incontinence;

  • Tips for managing incontinence and promoting good hygiene;

  • Issues and coping mechanisms related to inappropriate sexual behaviors and hypersexuality in those with dementia; and

  • Your questions and answers provided by a panel discussion with experts. 


For questions, call 904-391-6603 or email

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Questions or comments? Let us know!

Thank you! We will be in contact soon.

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